2017年2月15日 星期三

How to run netpipe performance benchmark under linux

How to run netpipe performance benchmark under linux

Copy  NetPIPE-3.7.1 to both SUT and Client.

1. Diasble Firewall:
#systemctl mask firewalld

# systemctl stop firewalld
2. Build NetPIPE-3.7.1:
# make tcp     (In NetpPEPE folder,not src)

3. Set static IP:
# chkconfig NetworkManager off
# service NetworkManager stop

4. Set IP:
- Set remote (receiver) IP   <Client>
# ifconfig eth7

- Set local (transmitter) IP  <SUT>
# ifconfig eth6

5. Launch NetPIPE in 2 ways:
- Way A:
[on receiver]# ./NPtcp -p 0 -I
[on transmitter]# ./NPtcp -h -p 0 -I -o [file name]

2017年2月14日 星期二

How to check Broadcom firmware under linux

How to check Broadcom firmware under linux

lspci | grep Broadcom ==>will list broadcom device with bus ,device ,function number,
 lspci -vv -s bus:dev.fun | grep V0 ==>get the fw version

(-vv, not w)

(TOP)Temp for soulin only