2018年1月23日 星期二

Mellonax: How to change infiniband mode ib<=>eth

Mellonax: How to change infiniband mode ib<=>eth

#mstconfig q
Check infiniband card device number (ex:86:00.0)

#mstconfig -d  86:00.0 set LINK_TYPE_P1=2  LINK_TYPE_P2=2
(2 is ethernet mode, 1 is infiniband mode)

2018年1月2日 星期二

How to flash fw for mellanox infiniband card under Windows/Linux

How to flash fw for mellanox infiniband card under Windows/Linux

For Windows

1.Download MFT tool, then install it
2.Download fw file (*.bin)
3.Open cmd
Check device name
4.Burn the FW image. Enter:
flint -d <device_name> -i <binary image> burn
5.Verify the new firmware version
Run 'vstat'


For Linux
1.Download MFT tool, then install it
2.Download fw file (*.bin)
4.Verify the new firmware version
Run 'ibstat'

(TOP)Temp for soulin only