2020年6月17日 星期三

2020年6月12日 星期五

How to mount a windows/samba windows share under Linux

How to mount a windows/samba windows share under Linux

You have windows to open share folder, and you want your linux client can access this folder.

From linux client
#mount -t cifs -o "username=XXX,password=XXX" //[windows_IP]/[Windows_folder] /mnt

2020年6月8日 星期一

2020年6月7日 星期日

2020年6月3日 星期三

How to change Centos 7 run level graphic<=>text

How to change Centos 7 run level graphic<=>text

1. Check current run level
#systemctl get-default

2. Change run level from graphic to text
#systemctl set-default multi-user.target
#init 6

3. Change run level from text to graphic
#systemctl set-default graphical.target
#init 6

[Centos 6]

1.Change run level from graphic to text
#vim  /etc/inittab

2. Change run level from text to graphic
#vim  /etc/inittab

(TOP)Temp for soulin only