2014年10月7日 星期二

How to stress Intel GPGPU(MIC) under linux

How to stress Intel GPGPU(MIC) under linux (kncptu ,knc, ptu)    2015/3/13 update

MIC card test under RHEL
Dowload  latest MPSS package from Intel website
1.Intall driver MPSS
2.#tar xvf mpss-3.2-rhel-6.0.tar

3.#yum install*.rpm          

4.#modprobe mic (If you can not load mic modules, please use old mpss version , mpss 3.4 has issue)
5.#micctrl --initdefaults

6.#micctrl --sshkeys=root mic0
7.#service mpss restart
8.#ssh mic0
If you cannot ssh to mic0, please use ip
#ifconfig=>check mic0 ip
#ssh x.x.x.x (mic0 ip)
9.#mkdir tmp
11.#scp ./KncPtuGen mic0:tmp
12.#ssh mic0 (password: "your SUT's password")
13.#cd tmp
14.#./KncPtuGen -P100
If system reboot automatically, please stop bmc watchdog
#service bmc-watchdog stop
If you want to retest, please go to step 7

/opt/mpss/3.4.1/sysroots/klom-mpss-linux/bin/micsmc-gui (RHEL)
This will open a graphical Linux application showing the temperature and power for the MIC cards

MIC card test under SLES
Dowload  latest MPSS package from Intel website

1.Intall driver MPSS
2.#tar xvf mpss-3.2.suse-11.3.tar
vi /etc/modprobe.d/unsupported-modules  
(SLES 12=>vim /etc/modprobe.d/10-unsupported-modules)
=>allow_unsupported_modules 1
3.#zypper install *.rpm
4.#modprobe mic
5.#micctrl --initdefaults

6.#service mpss start
7.#ssh mic0
(If ssh requre password, please try  
to ssh ip directly)
8.#mkdir tmp
10.#scp ./KncPtuGen mic0:tmp

11.#ssh mic0
12.#cd tmp
13.#./KncPtuGen -P100
run ‘/opt/intel/mic/bin/micsmc-gui’  (SLES)   

This will open a graphical Linux application showing the temperature and power for the MIC cards



(TOP)Temp for soulin only