2018年11月11日 星期日

Install Intel® Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface (HFI)

Install Intel® Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface (HFI)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Update 5:
o IntelOPA-IFS.RHEL75-x86_64. - Drivers and Utilities
o IntelOPA-FirmwareTools-RHEL75-x86_64. - Firmware Tools
o IntelOPA-TMM-RHEL75-x86_64. - TMM Firmware
o IntelOPA-UEFI-RHEL75-x86_64. - UEFI Driver
o IntelOPA-FMGUI.linux- - Fabric Manager GUI

2.2.3 Install Software in Unattended Mode
It is strongly suggested to install the necessary Omni-Path drivers in
unattended mode. This will automatically ensure the correct software
is fully installed. If manual/attended mode is desired, please skip to section 2.2.4 below.

a. Extract the content of the IFS tgz file to a local directory.
b. Execute the INSTALL script with the -a parameter and follow the on-screen prompts.

c. After installation is fully complete, reboot the server and skip to step 2.3 below.

2.2.4 Install Software in Attended Mode
If manual/attended installation mode is chosen, the default selections
include libraries and utilities for connecting and managing an OPA fabric.
a. Ensure the following are installed for the Omni-Path driver and firmware to load correctly:
- Pre-Boot Components
- OPA Stack
- Intel HFI Components
- OPA Tools
- OFA OPA Development
- OFA IP over OB

b. Press 'P' once all selections have been made.
c. Press Enter for each option and wait for installation to finish.
d. On completion, press 'X' to properly exit the script.
e. After installation is fully complete, reboot the server.

2.3 Firmware Update Instructions
2.3.1 Install the firmware tools, TMM, and UEFI image. As of 10.8, these are distributed separately from IFS.
Get from IntelOPA-FirmwareTools-RHEL75-x86_64.
#rpm -Uvh hfi1-firmware-tools-
Get from IntelOPA-TMM-RHEL75-x86_64.
#rpm -Uvh hfi1-tmm-
Get from IntelOPA-UEFI-RHEL75-x86_64.
#rpm -Uvh hfi1-uefi-

2.3.2 Flash Omni-Path Adapter Firmware
a. Navigate to the directory /usr/share/opa/bios_images/:
cd /usr/share/opa/bios_images/

b. Use the hfi1_eprom utility to flash the adapter firmware:
hfi1_eprom -S -w -o HfiPcieGen3Loader_xxxx.rom -b HfiPcieGen3_xxxx.efi
Note: If multiple adapters are installed, specify each adapter to flash:
hfi1_eprom -S -w -o HfiPcieGen3Loader_xxxx.rom -b HfiPcieGen3_xxxx.efi -d /sys/bus/pci/devices/xxxx:xx:xx.x/resource0

c. Verify the firmware was flashed correctly:
hfi1_eprom -V -o
hfi1_eprom -V -b
hfi1_eprom -V -c

2.3.3 Flash Thermal Management Microchip (TMM) Firmware
a. Navigate to the directory /lib/firmware/updates/:
cd /lib/firmware/updates/
b. Use the opatmmtool utility to flash the adapter firmware:
opatmmtool -f hfi1_smbus.fw fileversion
opatmmtool -f hfi1_smbus.fw update
c. Verify the TMM was flashed correctly:
2.4 Insallation Troubleshooting
2.4.1 Verify Firmware Image Files
The firmware image files should be located in the following locations:
OPA UEFI Driver: /usr/share/opa/bios_images/HfiPcieGen3*.efi
OPA UEFI Driver Loader: /usr/share/opa/bios_images/HfiPcieGen3Loader*.rom
OPA Configuration: /lib/firmware/updates/hfi1_platform.dat
OPA TMM Firmware: /lib/firmware/updates/hfi1_smbus.fw

2.4.2 Verify Application Software
The commands `opainfo` and `opahfirev` should report adapter information and firmware/driver version details if all software is properly installed.
2.4.3 Installation Logs
If any errors are encountered during installation of the drivers or firmware, refer to the log file (/var/log/opa.log) for additional information.



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