2020年5月12日 星期二

GPU burn

GPU burn

Install driver
Install cuda

Check all well by listing your GPUs (Command 1 below) and checking the properties of GPUs ( Command 2 below) , and checking nvcc is setup (Command 3 below). If you don’t get a meaningful response, most likely something is off with your environment variables or worst case your driver / CUDA version
  1. nvidia-smi
  2. nvidia-smi -q
  3. nvcc -V

Download gpu burn from 

#unzip gpu-burn-master.zip
#cd gpu-burn-master

Running GPU Burn (Few example commands below)
  1.  ./gpu_burn  (Single precision GPU burn for 10 seconds)
  2. ./gpu_burn -d ( Double precision GPU burn for 10 seconds)
  3. ./gpu_burn 120 (Single precision GPU burn for 120 seconds)



(TOP)Temp for soulin only