2017年11月13日 星期一

Install RHEL 7.x OS on iSCSI HDD (When meet error checking storage configuration)

Install RHEL 7.x OS on iSCSI HDD (When meet error checking storage configuration)

When you want to install RHEL 7.x OS on iSCSI HDD, you meet "error checking storage configuration". Here is fixed method

1. Boot to the RHEL 7.x installation media.  At the GRUB UI, highlight ‘Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x’ and press e.
2.  Go to the linuxefi line.  At the end of this line, add:
·        rd.iscsi.ibft=1

3. Then press ctrl-x to boot.

Start install OS on iSCSI target (Set host network and iSCSI target IP)

1 則留言:

  1. Thanks for your solution in here. It really help me solved the problem. Thanks!


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