2014年5月4日 星期日

STREAM Memory Bandwidth Benchmark

STREAM  Memory Bandwidth Benchmark  
2020.06.12 update for Purley

BIOS Settings:

Intel® Turbo Boost Technology=>Enabled
Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology=>Disabled
NUMA Optimized=>Enabled
Memory Power Optimization=>Performance Optimized
SNC (Sub NUMA Clustering) =>Enable
IMC Interleaving => 1 way

1) Install Red Hat* Enterprise Linux 6.4 with all packages.OS and Application Settings
2) Install the Intel® Parallel Studio XE for Linux* Product for 32-bit/x86-64bit development (Intel® C Compiler) v13.1. Install to the default directory (/opt/intel/bin)
3) Download the source code, stream_omp.c, from the University of Virginia located at:  http://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/FTP/Code/Versions/ 
4) Copy the stream_omp.c file to a source directory on the server under test (SUT).
5) Use a text editor to make the following changes to the .c code:
#define N: 80000000
#define NTIMES: 100
6) From the source directory, type:
source /opt/intel/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
7) Build the STREAM* binary using the following build instructions.  Type:
icc stream_omp.c -O3 -openmp -o stream_omp_NTW -parallel -ffreestanding -openmp-link static
Running STREAM* 
1) Open a terminal window in Red Hat* Enterprise Linux 
8) Change to the subdirectory of the STREAM* binary built in step 8 of the previous section.
9) Type: 
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=”28”
10) Type: 
export KMP_AFFINITY=”scatter”
11) Type: 
echo never >/sys/kernel/mm/redhat_transparent_hugepage/enabled
12) Type:
Note: “-ffreestanding” option is not being recommended as a general purpose optimization flag.It is being used here only to produce non-temporal writes in STREAM* binary.

1 則留言:

  1. Hi Soulin,

    I found a typo error should be corrected.

    12) Type:

    If you followed step 7, the executable file should be stream_omp_NTW instead of stream_omp .


(TOP)Temp for soulin only